Rabu, 18 April 2018

Motivation Letter

Dear Madam/Sir,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden as an Erasmus student.

I am currently a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Techonology, member of the Gunadarma University. Having seen the opportunity to spend the first semester of my masters degree at the KTH, I immediately decided to partake in this interesting challenge. The main reason behind this decision is that I would like to broaden my experience and gain new skills which would strongly enrich my future studies and help me in my prospective scientific career. Moreover, I consider this program as an extraordinary occasion to improve my English, while in the same time uncovering a whole new and interesting culture.

During my prior studies I have discovered my affinity to evolutionary algorithms and machine learning, especially in application to timetable scheduling problems. Having gained insight into the Machine Learning masters program at the KTH, I have realized that it complements my interests to the utmost extent. Since the possibilities given at the KTH further expand those at my home university, it would provide me with adequate expertise to continue my education and eventually become an accomplished scientist in the field.

Furthermore, I would be able to learn a new language and meet new colleagues in the inspiring, creative, and cosmopolite environment of one of the largest Swedish universities. Apart from academic benefits, I strongly feel that studying at a foreign university would help me to develop as a more complete person and undertake life and work situations from a different perspective.
 Thank You for considering my request and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,

Rahmat Aka Putra

Kamis, 22 Maret 2018

Pronouns Analysis Oponions About Robotic

Robotic in Indonesian

Robotics in the industry actually has existed since a long time, starting around the early 19th century. Slowly but surely, the robot was eventually a mainstay to replace the role that can not be done man.

The first known robot was built in 1937, programmed to compose logs. This industrial robot was created with the aim of speeding up the process at the factory, increasing factory productivity.

Over time, the technology is growing more advanced, robotics applications are also more advanced and advanced. Starting from just picking and putting, up to the assembly and welding process.

An automated plant means implementing a variety of control systems that manage equipment and machines. The purpose of automation is to operate the plant more efficiently, productively, and produce higher quality output.

Installing robots into the factory helps automated parts in the production line. Automated jobs are completed in less time.

Because the robot not only move quickly and consistent speed, but also able to work outside working hours to meet production deadlines.

"The mistakes that could happen with manual work can be minimized, thus ensuring higher quality," said Shermine Gotfredsen, General Manager of Universal Robots Asia Pacific, Tuesday (27/10/2015).

Creating Jobs

Hasil gambar untuk robot membuat pekerjaan

The latest trend in industrial robots is similar to the rise of computers in the 1980s. Although computers automate tasks that are usually the responsibility of secretaries, this does not mean that the work of the secretary is threatened by its existence.

Instead, computers are the tools used by secretaries to accomplish their tasks more productively. Like that, industrial robots are tools that the factory can use to help its workers in the production line.

Given the benefits that robots can generate, they will also help the factory create jobs. A report in 2013 by Metra Martech has shown that industrial robots are forecast to create between 900,000 to 1.5 million jobs from 2012 to 2016.

For example, companies that benefit from being an increasingly competitive company as a direct result of using robots, will likely also employ more workers in the future to support their production expansion.

Robots not only create jobs, but also make the workplace even more attractive. Industrial robots can be set up to assist workers in hazardous workplaces in factories, such as the presence of hazardous chemicals or heavy objects

"This not only greatly helps reduce the risk of accidents, but also improves the mental health and motivation of the workers," said Gotfredsen.

In recent years, the food and beverage industry has been affected by falling export demand and the depreciation of the rupiah. As a consequence, manufacturers face increasing operational costs because they are heavily dependent on imported materials such as sugar, milk, and soybeans.

"To address this challenge, it is important for 6,000 food and beverage manufacturing companies in Indonesia to consider adopting robotics solutions," Gotfredsen said.

Productivity and Efficiency

Productivity and efficiency in a factory can be improved as industrial robots are used to perform functions on production lines, such as packaging and palletizing, or selecting and placing.

"For example, on milk production lines, robots are useful for lifting four packages of cream cheese at once from a conveyor belt and transferring them to a plastic tray," says Gotfredsen.

Given the volume of production, improving efficiency in the final line will contribute to reducing downtime, while optimizing productivity means it can meet greater demand.

With the latest robots that have an intuitive interface making it easy to program and lightweight body, manufacturing will enjoy production flexibility.

This is ideal in the midst of saturation in the food and beverage industry with increasingly diverse products, shorter product cycles, and more varied packaging variations. Companies can learn how to program and use robots to automate production lines.

When robots are well integrated into the process or packaging of food and beverage product lines, operations can be further optimized to meet a wide variety of product lines.

Industrial robots are claimed to play a key role in helping to minimize production costs while at the same time staying competitive with reduced downtime.

"In this way, manufacturing in Indonesia could face weakening export demand and increasing production costs that affect the performance of the food and beverage industry," said Gotfredsen.

The Role of Robots in Human Life

The development of technology has brought great changes to human life. One of the rapid technological developments is the development of robot technology. A robot is a mechanical device that can perform physical tasks using either human control or control, or using pre-defined programs (artificial intelligence).

Currently robots have been applied in many areas of life. In general, the usefulness of robots is to assist human tasks that are sometimes difficult to resolve because they have to have a high ability in concentration and thoroughness, also who have a very big risk or even threaten human safety. There are also robots that deliberately made to accompany humans in their activities, such as helping humans who experience loneliness so they can have friends, this robot is called robot play.

The shape of the robot varies according to their usefulness. There are shaped like animals, vehicles, people, and others. To be said as a robot a system does not need to imitate all human behavior, but a system that can adopt one or two of the existing system in man, can be a system of sight, hearing system, or motion system.

For example in the field of industry, robots have replaced many of the human roles, including automobile assembly, electronics, and packaging. With the robot of an industry will accelerate its production. Because in doing the job robot almost difficult to experience a mistake because it was in the program to undergo a different task with humans who one day will be careless of his work.

In the household activities, everyday is sometimes very boring when done continuously. Activities ranging from the cleaning of the room to all activities related to other household activities. To reduce saturation and fatigue, some household appliances that were previously conventional (without robot machines) are now gradually switching to using robotic machines. Some equipment that has been using the robot is a cleaning machine.

Benefits of robots in the world of medicine (medical), robots are often used. One of them is to help the doctor in the patient's surgical operation. For example for cardiac surgery, cancer, and eye surgery. However, the robot is not allowed to perform the operation automatically, but is controlled by the doctor.
In space research, robots also have useful usefulness. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the United States government agency responsible for the space program has dispatched several robots for universe research. One of them is the Phoenix Lander robot that was launched in August 2007 to conduct research on the existence of life on Mars. This is one example of the application of robots in the space system.

A robot can be made for a variety of activities, but a robot must be created for the purpose of human kindness. There are several functions of robot in human life, so that human need its presence that is:

- Increase production, accuracy and durability. This robot is widely used in industry.

- For dangerous tasks, dirty and risky. This robot is used when humans are not able to enter into areas at risk. Like Robots To explore the planet, robots to detect nuclear waste, military robots etc.

- For education. Many robots are used to attract learners of technology such as robot lego, etc.

- To help humans. Like at home to clean the house with an automatic vacuum cleaner, in the hospital to deliver food, help the operation, etc.

Pronoun or pronouns are words that are used to replace a person or thing. There are 5 types of pronouns, that which serves as the subject (Subject Pronouns), object (object pronoun), as an adjective (possessive adjectives), to declare the possession (possessive pronouns), and to declare the self-reflection ( reflexive or reciprocal pronouns). Pronoun generally replace the position of the noun as subject, object or complement. So we can conclude that the pronoun is a pronoun that is used to replace the people, animals, and objects. pronoun in English (Pronouns) are words that are used to replace nouns (nouns), a noun it can be humans, animals, places and abstract concepts. The purpose of the use of the pronoun can be caused by many things such as to make it more concise, a name not mentioned repeatedly in a sentence and the effectiveness of a sentence.
Part Of Pronouns :
1. Personal Pronouns :
A personal pronoun refers to the person speaking, the person being spoken to, or the person or thing being spoken about.
2. Interrogative Pronouns :
Interrogative pronouns are pronouns that introduce a question.
3. Indefinite Pronouns :
Idenfinite pronouns are those pronouns that refer to an uspecified person, place, thing, or idea.
4. Relative Pronouns :
A relative pronoun I sused to introduce a subordinate clause.
5. Possessive Pronouns :
Possessive pronouns are pronoun that show the ownership.
6. Reflexive Pronoun :
Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that are used to show that the subject of the sentence is receiving the action of the verb.
7. Intensive Pronouns
These pronouns are used only to place emphasis on the subject.

Analysis :
- Not surprisingly in every factory there is a robot, which helps alleviate the workers (A Relative Pronouns)
- This robot technology exists on industry and health, the project on health is STILL-FLOP (A Relative Pronouns)
- But behind all that, human resources in the industry is reduced (A Personal Pronouns)

Conclusion :
Robotics in human life is very helpful to alleviate human work, resulting in less errors of duty, but not also apart from the mistakes of the task.

Would it be better for the industry to use between robots and humans with a 40% scale for robots and 60% for humans so that human resources are always used and not always relying on the work of the robot itself.

Reference :

Senin, 08 Januari 2018


Profil RS Mata Cicendo Bandung
    Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo diresmikan pada tanggal 3 Januari 1909dengan nama Koningen Wilhemina Gathuis voor Ooglijders dan direktur pertamanya C.H.A. Westhoff. Pelayanan yang diberikan saat itu adalah pelayanan rawat jalan, rawat inap dan kegiatan operasi. Tahun 1930, mulai melakukan kegiatan pelayanan luar gedung (outreach) ke daerah sekitar Bandung, seperti Sumedang, Tanjungsari, Congeang, Darmaraja, Situraja, dan Legok.

    Tahun 1942 – 1945 berperan sebagai Rumah Sakit Umum. Sejak tahun 1961berperan sebagai Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran.Tahun 1976 menjadi Pusat Kegiatan Bank Mata dan Pusat Kegiatan Hari Kesehatan Sedunia dengan tema Pencegahan Kebutaan. Tahun 1977 – 1979 menjadi Kantor Riset untuk Pencegahan Defisiensi Vitamin A berkolaborasi dengan AFOB dan Departemen Kesehatan. Tahun 1978 ditetapkan sebagai Rumah Sakit Tipe C oleh Departemen Kesehatan. Tahun 1992 ditetapkan sebagai Rumah Sakit Tipe B Non Pendidikan.

   Tahun 2000 terakreditasi 5 pelayanan. Tahun 2005 terakreditasi 12 pelayanan. Tahun 2006 terakreditasi A untuk Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Mata Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran. Tahun 2007 menjadi Rumah Sakit Khusus Kelas A dan menjadi Rumah Sakit dengan Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PPK BLU). Pada tahun 2009 ditetapkan sebagai PUSAT MATA NASIONAL dan tahun 2014 ditetapkan sebagai Rumah Sakit Pendidikan dan terakreditasi Tingkat Paripurna oleh Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS).

          Analisis SWOT

    Pada penulisan ini, RS Mata Cicendo, Bandung menggunakan analisis SWOT sebagai acuan  untuk menganalisis strategis TI. Analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness,Opportunities, Threats)  mengidentifikasi faktor internal perusahaan sebagai kekuatan (Strength) dan kelemahan (Weakness), sedangkan faktor eksternal perusahaan sebagai peluang (Opportunities) dan ancaman (Threats).

          Analisis Kekuatan dan Kelemahan 

    Analisis ini menitikberatkan pada bagian internal perusahaan. Pengidentifikasian terhadap kekuatan dan kelemahan yang terdapat dalam perusahaan harus dilakukan, karena dengan mengetahui setiap kekuatan dan kelemahan tersebut maka tingkat kekuatan persaingan perusahaan dapat diketahui. Kekuatan merupakan dasar bagi pelaksanaan kegiatan perusahaan, sedangkan kelemahan muncul sebagai faktor yang membatasi serta mencegah manajemen untuk merealisasikan potensi yang sesungguhnya. Kelemahan ini kadang-kadang tidak disadari keberadaannya, oleh karena itu kelemahan bukan saja harus diidentifikasi tetapi harus diikuti oleh kesiapan pihak manejemen untuk menerima kenyataan bahwa perusahaannya memiliki kelemahan. Penelitian kelemahan dan kekuatan secar objektif akan timbul disebabkan oleh banyaknya kasus kegagalan serta keberhasilan, berarti keberhasilan dalam melakukan kebijaksanaan, prosedur, implementasi, strategi dan teknik yang pernah dilakukan oleh perusahaan.

          Analisis Peluang dan Ancaman

      Peluang dan ancaman merupakan faktor-faktor yang dating dari lingkungan eksternal perusahaan, dalam kenyataannya kita akan mengalami kesukaran untuk membedakan kekuatan dari peluang dan kelemahan dari ancaman. Kesukaran itu mungkin disebabkan batas antara perusahaan dan lingkungannya tidak selalu tajam dan ketara dengan jelas. Peluang menunjukkan kondisi lingkungan yang kita harapkan mempunyai dampak yang menguntungkan bagi manajemen, sedangkan ancaman menunjukkan kekuatan yang dating dari lingkungan eksternal yang menimbulkan kerugian bagi manajemen seperti merugikan dalam pelaksanaan program kerja, mencegah pencapaian sasaran atau merusak strategi yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

        Metode Penelitian

            Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis staretegis pada penelitian terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini.

 Hasil dan Pembahasan
          Untuk penyusunan startegi menggunakan analisis SWOT maka akan dianalisa data lingkungan internal di dalam perusahaan yang sangat berpengaruh dan menentukan terhadap perencanaan strategis yang akan diformulasikan, dan data lingkungan eksternal adalah faktor yang berada di luar kendali lingkungan perusahaan. Faktor eksternal sangat berpengaruh terhadap kondisi perusahaan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, oleh sebab itu kondisi eksternal harus dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan strategi perusahaan maupun pada pengembangan baruan pasar.
            Dari hasil pengamatan maka dapat diidentifikasi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal, terlihat pada tabel di bawah ini.

                                              Table Matriks Evaluasi Faktor Internal
Faktor Strategis
Bobot x Rating
Adanya dukungan dari pihak manajemen untuk pengembangan teknologi informasi di RS Mata Cicendo dengan memasukan kebutuhan teknologi informasi (sarana dan pelatihan) dalam anggaran keuangan.
Tersedianya fasilitas teknologi informasi yang memadai memungkinkan pelayanan dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan “Computerized  System”.
Semua unit-unit komputer sudah terhubung dalam suatu jaringan LAN.
Tersedianya modul-modul SIM-RS yang dapat membantu dalam proses pengolahan data yang diperlukan.
Akses jaringan internet masih terbatas dan relatif lambat.
Kurangnya pemanfaatan pelayanan teknologi informasi yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya.
Penggunaan SIM-RS yang belum menyeluruh di semua unit (dikarenakan faktor pengembangan modular dan penyesuaian anggaran).
Keterbatasan kewenangan dalam pengelolaan sumber (dana dan fasilitas ruangan).
Sumber daya manusia yang berbasis kompetensi teknolgi informasi jumlahnya masih kurang.
Belum adanya  job description yang jelas untuk para pegawai divisi IT.
                                              Table Matriks Evaluasi External

Faktor Strategis
Bobot x Rating
Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan SIM-RS sebagai sarana untuk memberikanCommited to Service Excellence(C2SE).
Adanya software open sourcesehingga menyebabkan berkurangnya dana terhadap penyediaan software yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan TI di RS Mata Cicendo.
Adanya kebijakan pemerintah untuk pengembangan TI di RS agar siap memasuki pasar global.
Tuntutan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berbasiskan TI.
Semakin banyaknya RS yang memberikan layanan kesehatan mata lewat akses internet.
Tuntutan masyarakat terhadap mutu pelayanan yang diberikan rumah sakit.
Munculnya teknologi-teknologi baru yang dikembangkan oleh rumah sakit mata swasta, misal adanya fasilitastelemedicine.
Saingan dari konsultan-konsultan IT yang berkeinginan untuk membuat SIM-RS yang dapat memberikanCommited to Service Excellence(C2SE).

Setelah faktor-faktor strategis lingkungan internal dan eksternal diidentifikasi maka matriks Evaluasi Faktor Internal (EFI) dan matriks Evaluasi Faktor Eksternal (EFE) untuk merumuskan faktor-faktor strategis internal dan eksternal tersebut dalam kerangka kekuatan dan kelemahan perusahaan serta peluang dan ancaman bagi perusahaan. Terlihat pada gambar 2.
            Gambar 2 menunjukan divisi TI berada pada strategi pertumbuhan (Growth Strategy) dengan konsentrasi integrasi horizontal atau  strategi stabilitas keuntungan dengan tujuan  untuk menghindari kehilangan pelayanan kepada pengguna, meningkatkan fasilitas dan teknologi melalui pengembangan  internal yang sama maupun dengan industri yang mendukung kelancaran pelayanan yang diberikan oleh divisi TI.
Matriks SWOT adalah  identifikasi berbagai faktor secara sistematis untuk merumuskan strategi perusahaan. Analisis ini didasarkan pada logika yang dapat mekasimalkan Strengths (kekuatan) dan Opportunities (Peluang), namun secara bersamaan dapat meminimalkan weakness (kelemahan) dan Threats (Ancaman).
Bila strategi yang mungkin ditempuh oleh organisasi dipandang sebagai integrasi antara peluang dan ancaman dengan kekuatan dan kelemahan, maka strategi organisasi dapat dikategorikan kedalam :
1.      Startegi Kekuatan dan Peluang (Strength and Opportunity - SO)
Strategi untuk memanfaatkan  peluang dengan jalan mendayagunakan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh organisasi.
2.      Strategi Kelemahan dan Peluang (Weakness and Opportunity - WO)
Strategi untuk memanfaatkan  peluang eksternal yang muncul dari lingkungan dengan tujuan  mengatasi kelemahan.
3.      Strategi Kekuatan dan Ancaman (Strength and Threat - ST)
Strategi untuk menghadapi dan  mengatasi ancaman dengan jalan mendayagunakan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh organisasi.
4.      Strategi Kelemahan dan Ancaman (Weakness and Threat - WT)
Strategi untuk menghindari ancaman untuk melindungi organisasi dari kelemahan yang ada dalam organisasi.

Setelah dilakukan proses pengolahan data dan analisa terhadap hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa :
1.      Divisi TI berada pada strategi pertumbuhan, artinya dapat melakukan suatu kegiatan meningkatkan jenis pelayanan kepada pengguna, meningkatkan fasilitas dan teknologi informasi melalui pengembangan internal maupun eksternal melalui akuisisi atau joint venture dengan instansi lain baik dalam industry yang sama maupun dengan industri yang mendukung kelancaran pelayanan yang diberikan divisi TI.

2.      Sumber daya teknologi informasi yang ada di divisi TI sudah memadai untuk pengembangan teknologi informasi, hanya dibutuhkan pemetaan strategi teknologi informasi agar dapat memberikan nilai tambah bagi Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo.
